Friday, July 17, 2020

Career Counselling Myth and Facts

    A career counselor is a person who sells products of a University or Course.He/ she does only about a course and not the other things.A student should meet the counselor when he wants to know about a course.The counselling is mostly advise given by senior members of the family and friends. The myths continue as on.......

       Since the new course have developed and there are more new things to work on, a counselors job is not a myths as above. The person has to analyse a student his/her interest, hobbies and extracurricular activities. The student will also have an outlook of how the future will open up. In US student are given counselling from the age of 12 or 13. It gives them a outlook of the future and combines the aspiration of career.

       These facts are yet to come into effect, only some students get their interest and career aspiration combined. In India it is still a new idea to get implemented. The kids mostly follow the career of their parents or their friends.

        In a publication survey their is said 93% of kids only know about seven career options, but in India there are more then 250 career option with each having more branches to specialize. So there is still more option students have to choose from, instead of going on to the same careers, similar college and disappointed at the end for not finding the preferred job. We can work of  interest and strength to work our way up the ladder of career path.

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